The time of when our Founders’ understanding of religious liberty could be assumed is over, he said
In a recent column, Archdiocese of Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput said that Americans need to wake up regarding religious liberty and the threats against it. Drawing on both the current IRS scandal of targeting religious organizations, conservative groups, and traditional marriage supporting organizations, as well as the Department of Health and Human Services contraceptive mandate, Archbishop Chaput wrote:
Coupled with the White House’s refusal to uphold the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, and its astonishing disregard for the unique nature of religious freedom displayed by its arguments in a 9-0 defeat in the 2012 Hosanna-Tabor Supreme Court decision, the HHS mandate can only be understood as a form of coercion.
He continues:
The day when Americans could take the Founders’ understanding of religious freedom as a given is over. We need to wake up.
Originally published by Catholic Education Daily of the Cardinal Newman Society on June 11th, 2013.