Providence College to host same-sex marriage advocate who calls himself “the gay moralist” in a debate with a defender of traditional marriage.A Providence College lecture by a same-sex marriage advocate who calls himself “the gay moralist,” which was cancelled by the College provost, is back on as a debate with a defender of traditional marriage.
The Cardinal Newman Society reported Tuesday that Providence provost Hugh Lena cancelled a scheduled talk by John Corvino, chairman of the philosophy department at Wayne State University and an advocate for same-sex marriage. But in a message to the campus that appeared yesterday on GoLocalProv, Lena said that the event is being rescheduled “sometime in the spring semester” as a debate between Corvino and Sherif Girgis, a Ph.D. student in philosophy at Princeton University who co-authored the book, What Is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense.
In the past, Corvino has called Church teaching on sexuality, “Stubborn, perhaps – even foolish – but consistent” and bemoaned, “If only the Pope could see the weakness of his own stance.”
He said of Pope Benedict XVI:
The event was originally scheduled as a lecture, but just a week before the event, Providence theologian Dana Dillon was asked to step in to debate Corvino. Lena reportedly complained that it was unfair to ask Dr. Dillon, a theologian, to debate opposite someone who would be presenting philosophical and legal arguments, not theological ones.
Canon lawyer Edward Peters on his blog wrote that he doesn’t understand why marriage is up for debate at all at a Catholic college:
Originally published by The Cardinal Newman Society's Catholic Education Daily on 26 September 2013.