Reflections for prayer and action
- Bringing people to the truth is the greatest gift that you can give to others.
- Holiness doesn’t consist in knowing a lot, meditating a lot, or thinking a lot. The great mystery of holiness is loving a lot.
- The farther a being distances itself from God, the closer it gets to nothingness. But the closer it gets to God, the more it distances itself from nothingness.
- A patient person isn’t one who doesn’t see evil, but one who doesn’t let himself be dominated by sadness.
- Never touch a wound that you can’t heal.
- The Lord’s Prayer (the Our Father) is the most perfect of prayers. In it, we don’t only ask for everything we can rightly desire, but we do it in the order in which it should be desired. In this way, this prayer doesn’t only teach us how to ask; it also puts all our affections in order.
- The proper and principle object of Christian hope is eternal happiness.
- Prayer is necessary not so that God may know our needs, but so that we may know our need to turn to God to receive in due time the help we need for our salvation.
- The spiritual riches of Christ are shared with all the members of His body, and this sharing takes place through the sacraments of the Church.
- Accept the Lord’s words with faith, not doubting whether or not they are true, because He who is the Truth doesn’t lie.
This articleoriginally appeared in Aleteia’s Spanish edition. It was translated by Matthew Green.