Doctors call the recovery of 8th grader “a miracle.”On January 19, Martin Luther King Day, three 14 year-old boys fell through the ice of Lake St. Louise in Missouri. While two of them were found by rescuers — one clinging to ice and another one almost out of the water — the third boy, John Smith, was still under water. After being there for 15 minutes, he was pulled from the cold water and had no pulse.
According to an article in Breitbart, the eighth-grader was pronounced dead after 45 minutes of attempts at resuscitation. Then something amazing happened: As she made her way into his hospital room, the boy’s mother prayed out loud for God’s help, and the boy’s heart began beating again.
“I don’t remember what all I said,” she recalls, “but I remember, ‘Holy God, please send your Holy Spirit to save my son. I want my son, please save him.’
Doctors are baffled by the boy’s recovery. Since it was a cold water drowning, his chances for survival were better, but the physician who oversaw John’s case, Dr. Jeremy Garrett, says it shouldn’t have worked in this case. He’s calling it “a bona fide miracle.”
Another physician involved in John’s recovery, Dr. Kent Sutterer, recalls, “His heart was jump-started by the Holy Spirit listening to the request of his praying mother.”
John’s family also believes God heard their prayers and John himself, who has improved quickly and remarkably, says he’s grateful to his rescuers and to God:
“I thank God I’m alive,” he said, “and there’s a reason I’m alive, so I’m just going to kind of follow what God has in store for me throughout my life.”