Two men forge friendship over incredible role they played in each others’ livesThirty years ago, Dr. Michael Shannon helped save the life of a premature baby named Chris Trokey. Then, on March 29, 2011, Shannon’s SUV was struck by a truck, and by the time first responders arrived, Shannon’s vehicle was ablaze and the pediatrician had to be extracted with the Jaws of Life. The man who rescured him was Trokey, who has grown up to become a paramedic. In this news report, the two were brought together in support of a childhood cancer research fundraiser. Trokey reacted with shock when he learned the name of the man he’d rescued.
“I didn’t know about until I went to the hospital and started talking about it, Dr. Shannon. And I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, Dr. Shannon?’” Trokey told KTLA. “That’s when I found out.”
Shannon was also very grateful for Trokey’s help:
“It’s amazing to watch them all grow up, but to have one come back in your life, on a day you really need it, that’s really incredible,” he said.
The two men are now friends and Shannon is the pediatrician for Trokey’s son.