“Follow the Pope on His Trip with These Music Videos”Mexico is ready for Pope Francis.
There is an official song for the Papal visit, but not just that: In the last few weeks, songs have been popping up for just about every single place where the Pope will set foot. We’ve selected a few of our favorites to give you a little taste of Mexico and bring you along with Pope Francis during his journey.
1. “Francisco es” | Official Song for the Papal Trip to Mexico
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDap2lxXCzs&w=560&h=315]
The song, “Francis is…”, describes these first years of Francis’ papacy and what he has given to the Church and the world: Missionary of peace, love, and mercy, servant of God. The video features images of the Holy Father and the people of Mexico – in Church, at the dinner table, and even on the basketball court.
You came from afar to renew the whole Church; You came to illuminate, like the sun in spring.
2. “Bienvenido amigo Francisco” | Song for the Pope’s Visit to Chiapas
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHpY4y4GJr0&w=560&h=315]
On Monday, February 15th, the Pope said Mass and greeted the indigenous community of Chiapas. Chiapas is the southernmost state in Mexico, and is home to many ancient Mayan ruins and to one of the largest indigenous populations in the country. The bright, upbeat song gives you a look into the treasures of the region: the diversity of its people, the Churches, the ruins, and the lush, natural beauty.
Welcome, Francis, our friend, to this land with the scent of the forest and this Church with the flavor of Christ. We are family.
3. Official Song of Pope Francis in the State of Michoacán
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLtLOdQImjs&w=560&h=315]
Next we follow the Pope to the state of Michoacán, where he visits Morelia on Tuesday, February 16th. The charming video features a youth choir and expresses the hopeful expectation of the people: The people of Michoacán are anxious to hear you. We need your voice. The region, which for years has experienced problems with drug violence and migration, hopes the Pope’s visit will be an impetus for change.
4. Habemus Papam
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpwWM1c2-H8&w=560&h=315]
And finally, we round off our short list with a little Catholic Hip Hop, featuring none other than Pope Francis himself, who comes in at 2:36 (I think we all knew he had it in him). The song concludes with Pope Francis calling on his people, “I want the Church to go out onto the streets.”
Habemus Papam. God has chosen you.
We are excited. Our prayers are with you.
Libby Reichert