Complementary reading also recommendedDownload the full text of Pope Francis’ First Apostolic Exhortation here.
Aleteia’s first look at Amoris Laetitia comes from Deacon William T. Ditewig, who brings a balanced summary overview of the document for Aleteia.
Deacon Greg is, of course, quick to the draw, and has provided a fast roundup of initial readings.
Feeling unclear about any aspect of Catholic teaching on the subject of marriage, divorce, annulment and the matter of Holy Communion, read Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Marriage and Annulments but Were Afraid to Ask, an excellent brief interview with Msgr. John Kennedy of the Matrimonial Section of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Finally, Pope Francis mentions farmers in the exhortation, so take a moment to watch him
ask for prayer in this video.