The World Youth Day Call Center Helpline is at your service, with real human beings on the other end of the lineThe Call Center, established to help all of those planning to attend the Krakow celebration, launched in mid-May. Aleteia’s Polish edition decided to test if everything works according to plan in those departments meant to help pilgrims with questions. The service passed the test with flying colors.
For starters, when you call the helpline, you talk to a volunteer helper. A computer-generated voice is present only at the beginning of the call, for the purposes of language-selection, and then we were immediately put through to a friendly and helpful volunteer.
The WYD Call Center can be approached with virtually any question concerning the upcoming event. What are the most frequently asked questions? Łukasz Schibowski, the Call Center coordinator, tells us that the most frequent inquiries relate to transportation and accommodation. More recently the callers have asked about free entry passes for those who will come to the World Youth Day events without having registered earlier.
Who picks up the phone? Every day eleven volunteers wait for pilgrims’ calls. Three of them take care of Polish pilgrims, and two consultants answer questions in English, Italian, Spanish, and French, respectively (these are native speakers, or foreigners-volunteers who use the above languages as their mother tongues).
At present you can call consultants at the Call Center from Monday through Friday between 9am-1pm and 2pm-5pm. Just call at +48 12 446 73 33.
As of July 25 (by August 1) the Center will be operational around the clock. Each day the intensity of work increases, so when placing a call with the consultants be advised that sometimes your calls will be put on hold for a time, but you will be helped.
And if you’re heading to Krakow, don’t forget to enter your pictures or video for a free trip to Rome!