As children and young adults head back to school, now — when everything is going well — is a good time to turn to the LordWell Lord, here we are once again. My classes are selected and my schedule is planned out, and another year of schooling stretches out before me. I thank you for the opportunity to become educated, for the chance to study, which is a privilege many in this world are denied. I thank you for the physical and intellectual capacities that will facilitate my learning. Please help me to do my best, especially to do better than I did last year.
Help me to be conscientious and observant in my studies, that nothing important may be skimmed or overlooked.
Help me to keep my priorities ordered, so that my efforts are not distracted idle gossip and dubious activities, and my intentions do not become lost in the miasma of social events and commitments.
Help me to be generous to others who are also studying, offering help where I may be helpful, allowing others to help where I am struggling.
More to read: 3 saints who probably had learning disabilities
Help me to remember that some of your saints struggled with their studies, that I might remember to call on them – St. Joseph of Cupertino; St. Bernadette Soubirous, Blessed Solanus Casey – for the help of their intercessory prayers, that in every difficulty, I might be most ready and alert to recognize your assistance.
May I remember through the year that my guardian angel, your saints, and your Holy Mother are always with me, and always ready to assist with their prayers. May I remember too, that in times of real fear or apprehension, I may always place these difficulties into the depths of your Sacred Heart, that anxiety may not overwhelm me.
As I apply the gifts given to me by God, our Father, I ask that I may always be a ready voice to give glory, praise and thanksgiving to your Holy Name, in true gratitude. Amen