In London, New York City, or Chicago? All are invited to take some time out to pray and be stillNightfever London is an initiative at St. Patrick’s Church Soho Square, a busy Catholic Church in the center of London. It runs every four to six weeks and evenings begin with the celebration of Mass at 6 p.m. Afterwards, the Blessed Sacrament is placed on the altar for Adoration, musicians play, and priests arrive to hear confessions. The evening continues until Compline, Night Prayer, at 10:30 p.m. Regular updates and upcoming events can be found on their Facebook page.
Nightfever events also take place regularly at Chicago’s Holy Name Cathedral (tonight at 9 p.m.) and at St. Patrick’s in New York City, where the next one will be in November. Other dioceses, including Cincinnati, and individual parishes around the country have also conducted Nightfever events.
Check with your diocesan youth ministry office to see if Nightfever is planned for your area. Wherever you live, this video may serve as a tool for some meditation and reflection of your own this weekend.