Gazing at these stunning images is a spiritual reflection that might help next time you’re shovelingMost of us know that snowflakes are individually unique and beautiful, but when a talented photographer captures these perfectly designed ice crystals to reveal them for what are, all you can do is marvel. In fact, it can be hard to fathom they’re actually real. Perhaps, they’re exactly what Elizabeth Scalia said when she once reflected on the perfection of snowflakes:
“They are—in a sense—pictures of Christ in Glory.”
That glory is on display in this series of photos by photographer Alexey Kljatov. He shot the images on his balcony, mostly on a glass surface lit by an LED flashlight from the opposite side of the glass, though sometimes in natural light using dark woolen fabrics as the background. You may not be able to shoot snowflakes like this, but the next time it snows, you might want to stop for a moment, close your eyes, and contemplate the greatness of God.

Photography by Jasper Nance via Flickr