These two need to package these so I can buy one and feel horrible about myself.It’s always a good idea to try and impress your teacher with a class project, but 20-year-old Alex Yeatts and 22-year-old Abby Wilcox have gone above and beyond. After their instructor showed them some small chocolate geodes, the pair were inspired to try creating them on their own. To add to the challenge, their teacher told them to figure out the process with no instructions.
Business Insider has the full story:
Chef Greweling challenged them to figure out the process on their own using their knowledge of chocolate and sugar chemistry. With the guidance of their chef, they made GIANT sparkling chocolate geodes.
They tempered massive amounts of molten chocolate — the largest of the geodes was over 50 pounds — and poured it into egg-shaped molds.
The crystals are actually similar to rock candy that you’d make at home. They used concentrated sugar syrup in beautiful purple and orange hues.
Six months later, in February 2017, they cracked open their collection of 12 geodes of varying sizes — with spectacular results.
The reveal was all the more promising because Alex and Abby had spent the previous six months turning, rotating, and tending carefully to the eggs — but had no idea what the crystals would ultimately look like.
“During the process, you don’t really know what’s going on inside the eggs; you know they’re growing, but you don’t really know what they’re gonna look like until you crack them open,” said Yeatts.
The pair have since parted, Abby graduating while Alex has more schooling ahead of him, but in our opinion, they should drop what they’re doing and start a business selling these 50-lb eggs for a nice premium online. They could make a fortune!
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