3 meat-free meals that are easy to make, full of fiber and packed with protein.Ready for the next installment of our delicious and completely meat-free meals? (We bet you never knew vegetarian eating could be so beautiful, hearty and delicious!) Just scroll down for this week’s recipes: spicy burgers, hearty “meat” balls, and even pad Thai, all developed by some truly wonderful food bloggers who know how to create filling fixings for hungry families.
Spicy green burger

Whether you’re on a new health kick or you’re fasting for Lent, those meat cravings hit hardest on Fridays. So if you’ve got a hankering for a burger, this spicy green lentil paddy is just the thing. This unique recipe created by Ginny from Vegan in the Freezer makes up for the lack of animal fat with tons of flavor, and healthy nutrients, too! You can get the recipe here, but we also recommend poking around her site for even more inspiration. She has so many delicious meat-free sandwich options to keep you feeling full and happy.
Healthy walnut meatballs

This lentil-walnut meatball recipe may seem like a meat-wannabe, but these are so seriously delicious that you’ll start craving these veggie balls, too. Full of vegetables and protein-packed lentils, you can pair these beauties with your favorite sauce, line them up on a sub, or pile them onto a plate of gorgeous pasta (make it whole grain for even more fiber and protein). Et voila: A family-friendly, nutrient-packed dinner everyone will want seconds of! Check out the full recipe at Vegetarian Ventures, here.
15-minute veggie pad Thai

Crunched for time? Not a problem. This delicious, healthful meal is just as fast as getting take-out (if not faster depending on where you live and how speedy the delivery driver is)! The recipe for 15-minute Pad Thai is super simple, and the addition of shaved zucchini will satisfy your craving for authentic Thai food even without the addition of meat.
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More vegetarian meals for Lent
The recipe is super simple, and the ingredients should be easy to find in most supermarkets. (You’ll probably discover that you already have quite a few of them on hand!) Head on over to La Petit Chef’s blog to find this and plenty of other Asian and Indian recipes—many of them vegetarian! Full recipe here.