Fatima is improving the lives of these refugees in an unexpected way.Fatima, a 26-year-old computer programmer, arrived in Jordan in 2012, after fleeing her home country Syria, and thankfully her skills helped her find a job in her new country. But now she’s using her skills to teach others, including refugees, to create apps that can help improve their lives.
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Along with Techfugees, a non-profit group in the technology industry who volunteer their time to improve the lives of refugees, Fatima participated in “hackathons” to build apps specifically for refugees.
Fatima explained that, these days, “If you don’t have an internet connection, it means you’re not connected to the world.”
Items like computers or mobile phones are not often thought of as necessities for refugees, but this one piece of technology that so many take for granted can radically improve the the lives of those who have been displaced from their countries.