Is there anything that doesn’t use a circuit board anymore?There is a new product in development that could eliminate the need for a yearly medical exam. Tech Tats, developed by Chaotic Moon studios, are temporary tattoos which have been fitted with electronics capable of monitoring your body’s vital statistics.
Instead of wearing a temporary (and cumbersome) chest strap or arm cuff to monitor a patient’s heart rate, blood pressure, or other vitals, a circuit board tattoo could be applied to their arm that would wirelessly communicate with a smartphone app to keep tabs on them.
Through the app link, these temporary tattoos would also carry personal medical information, such as allergies and medical conditions, for emergency personnel reference.
This is just the tip of what Tech Tats might be capable of in the future. Eric Schneider, creative technologist and hardware engineer for Chaotic Moon Studios, seems confident that Tech Tats could also store an RFID chip and be a convenient way to manage monetary transactions.
It does not seem unreasonable to think these thin circuit boards could be equipped with GPS and other fun services in the future.