Being the creator and sustainer of the universe, God has the power to bend the rules every once and a while. This happened throughout the Bible and continues to this very day.
In particular, sometimes the holiness of an individual will be so great that God will work countless miracles through them. On occasion this takes the form of a supernatural phenomenon that has become the subject of science fiction.
Throughout history there have been many saints who were lifted up off the ground by God's divine hand, making it appear to others that they could fly. These saints did not ask for this gift and saw it more as a cross to bear than a special ability.
Here are five such saints who, during their life on earth, were beacons of such holiness that it was sometimes revealed in their supernatural ability to levitate.
St. Joseph of Cupertino
Often referred to as the "flying saint," whenever Joesph of Cupertino grew estatic with heavenly joy, he rose to the ceiling and would sometimes stay there for hours. In his cause for beatification there are records of about 70 episodes of levitation. He even flew to the ceiling when visiting Pope Urban VIII. He is the patron saint of aviators.
St. Pio of Pietrelcina
Padre Pio was another humble saint who was gifted in many supernatural ways. Once, while waiting for St. Pio to hear their confessions, a group of penitents saw him walking above their heads. Someone asked him what it was like to walk on the air. He promptly replied, "I can assure you, my child, it's just like walking on the floor."
St. Francis of Assisi
On occasion the holy Francis of Assisi was seen lifted off the ground while in the midst of prayer. It was witnessed by his fellow friars and seen as a confirmation of his holiness.
St. Alphonsus Liguori
Liguori was often seen in two different locations, having the supernatural ability to bi-locate. Also, while preaching at a city, he was seen by the crowd being lifted several feet off the ground.
St. Martin de Porres
Another poor and humble saint, Martin de Porres possessed many amazing spiritual gifts, including the ability to levitate.