Books make a home warm and welcoming. Here are 10 genius ways to create modern and organized book nooks in your home.
Cicero once said, “A room without books is like a body without a soul,” and one look at some of these clever shelving solutions and organizing tips, and you can see how true that statement really is. Books seem to literally breathe life and warmth into any space of your home, big or small.
Read more:
A Colombian garbage collector built a free library out of discarded books
So don’t relegate your well-used tomes and outdated paperbacks as clutter and box them up for donation—recycle them into beautiful decor accents using the inspiring ideas below. Your creativity is sure to earn many rave reviews from your guests!
A striking solution

Contemporary and clever, these recessed shelves in the dividing wall bring a splash of color and interest to a cool and composed living space. The juxtaposed top shelves, having no ends, trick the eye into thinking the room is wider.
Classic charm

Bring a touch of neo-Roman to your living room with this classic bookcase, creating an elegant focal point to store your books and show off your favorite decorative pieces.
Box clever

Quirky and full of impact, this contemporary bookcase made up of differently sized boxes is ideal for those perfectionists among us, who like to classify their collections while seeming remarkably nonchalant.
Above and beyond

Bookshelves framing the door lend an Alice-in-Wonderland perspective to these conjoined rooms. The matching chairs and lamps echo the symmetry, making the rooms look bigger, as well as providing a stylish touch.
Gallery worthy

This recessed mini-book nook also acts as a piece of art. With a strategically placed chair at arm’s length, you have the perfect little reading corner to get lost in your favorite novel.
The space saver

An absolute must for those with alcoves, these floating shelves make the most of every nook and cranny, without detracting from the central fireplace.
Dreaming in harmony

The simplicity of these matching book cases and bedside lamps brings a refined feel to this bedroom, while enabling the bed and artwork to take center stage.
The home library

Ideal for those dreaming of their own bookshop, these bookcase-lined walls are the quintessence of chic. Adding the “door” shelves really finishes it off in style—just make sure you have the books to complete the look!
Reaching new heights

These ladder shelves are perfect in any setting, from a modern loft to traditional brownstone. You can cover a whole wall for maximum storage and effect. But please make sure small children know they’re not for climbing!
Coordinated calm

The beauty of keeping things simple. The single color tone in these books enhances the wooden ceiling, providing the room with a peaceful ambience to sink into bed with your favorite read.
If you’re lacking in space — and books! — try a clever faux bookshelf wall covering to bring that literary style to your home.