By this time next year you won’t need the radio to hear Christmas music.Christmas is getting closer and the deadline for buying gifts is drawing near. With just two weeks until Santa arrives, we thought now was as good a time as any to pad our lists with a little love. Since we’re Cecilia Music, we thought it would be fun to share some musical gift ideas.
At the Catholic University of America’s Rome School of Music, they have a saying: Skills for Life. Once you’ve learned an instrument, you may get rusty, but you will always have that skill. These were some of my favorite gifts as a kid and led me to become a musician. So why not offer your loved ones a chance to enrich their lives by learning to play an instrument this Christmas?
Official Kala “Learn to Play” Ukulele Starter Kit ($89.99)

Ukuleles have seen a surge in popularity since the early aughts and it’s easy to see why. They are incredibly easy to learn, most chords require just 3 fingers to play, and they are small enough to be enjoyed by children and adults alike. If you’re a singer and wish to accompany yourself, then the ukulele is a great place to start.
This is a soprano uke so it’s a bit small, but if you’re worried your hands may be too big for it, then try out a tenor.
BONAOK Portable Wireless Bluetooth Karaoke Microphone ($30.99)

Remember when bulky karaoke machines cost hundreds of dollars? Your kids won’t, because now it’s all in the microphone. The BONAOK Portable Wireless Blootooth Karaoke Microphone can link up to your phone and uses apps to find the music. It is fitted with a speaker and has several volume settings along with an echo effect.
Kikkerland Make Your Own Music Box Kit ($16.95)

Half musical instrument, half arts-and-crafts, Kikkerland has come up with a fun little project that lets you put your own tunes into a music box. By punching holes in the long strip of “sheet music” you can design your own melody. This is perfect for the parent who likes to make up lullabies. Now your hapless humming will be immortalized for generations to come.
Keyboard Playmat 71″ ($49.99)

Made famous by the movie Big, floor-mat pianos are incredibly fun to fool around with. This product features a record and playback mode, so now you can play “Heart and Soul” even when you don’t have someone else to pick up the bass notes.
Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 12 Hole Alto C Ocarina ($15.99)

If you know a Millennial who owned a Nintendo 64 in the 90s, buy them this. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time had one of the most memorable soundtracks in video game history. Throughout the story, the main character was able to use his ocarina to call his horse, make it rain, and even get the cows to produce some milk. This accurate replica will become the centerpiece of any nerd’s collection and is excellent for cosplayers.
New Otamatone Touch-Sensitive Electronic Musical Instrument ($38.75)

The Otamatone is described as “The world’s cutest and weirdest musical instrument.” By placing your fingers on the long tail button, the Otamatone makes noise. The closer to the face you get, the higher the pitch becomes. By manipulating the face, you can change the timbre of the instrument. If you would like to hear what it sounds like, here’s a festive Otamatone “Greensleeves.”
Hohner Piedmont Blues Harmonica Set ($29.99)

Harmonicas are another fairly easy instrument to pick up. This is an excellent starter set of harmonics from Hohner, the most popular brand of “blues harp.” They come in the keys of A, Bb, C, D, E, F and G, all safely contained in a zippered carrying case.
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