Meanwhile, the little boy continues to breathe on his own after ventilator is shut offUPDATE: On Tuesday a British judge told Alfie Evans’ parents that they cannot take him to Italy for treatment, reported the BBC. The family had applied before an emergency hearing to move him to a Vatican-run hospital after his life support was withdrawn on Monday.
Judge Anthony Hayden said the ruling “represents the final chapter in the life of this extraordinary little boy,” reported ABC News. The judge asked whether “other measures” including taking the child home, might be taken, and it remains to be seen whether this is an option.
A full 24 hours after being taken off life support, Alfie Evans continues to struggle for life. His father, Tom Evans, posted this update on Facebook:
“Coming up to 24 hours and he’s fighting with gorgeous his gorgeous features, pink lips, handsome grown up face, and odd cheeky smile now and again🙏🏻
😡 how is this HUMANE where does his DIGNITY LIE.”
Though little Alfie Evans was granted Italian citizenship today in an attempt to make his transfer to Rome’s Bambino Gesu Hospital more likely, despite legal barriers in Britain, his father reported that his life support was removed tonight.
Some hours later, at the time of this publication, the 23-month-old is still breathing on his own, according to Facebook posts.
“Alfie’s life support was removed at 21:21 and has been breathing since!!!” said a post with a picture of the child, no longer surrounded by tubes.
Pope Francis earlier today added another tweet to his appeal for a different course of action in the young boy’s care.
Moved by the prayers and immense solidarity shown little Alfie Evans, I renew my appeal that the suffering of his parents may be heard and that their desire to seek new forms of treatment may be granted.
— Pope Francis (@Pontifex) April 23, 2018
Read more:
Director of Vatican’s pediatric hospital met with Alfie Evan’s parents
Alfie’s father met with the pope earlier this week.
Vatican News reported of the pope’s meeting with Alfie’s father that it reminded him of the love of God:
The Holy Father listened with interest to what Alfie’s father was saying and at one point he said: “I admire you for the courage you have, you are so young but you have the courage to defend your son’s life.” And at a certain point he even said that the courage of this father is similar to the love that God has for man in that He does not resign Himself to losing us. And I think that was the most moving moment.
The Guardian reported that the granting of Italian citizenship had had no effect:
The parents’ barrister, Paul Diamond, said the Italian government wanted to intervene in the case and claimed that gave it an “international relations element”.
But the hospital’s lawyer, Michael Mylonas QC, said the fact was irrelevant and there could be “no possible suggestion” that English courts did not have jurisdiction.