Heavenly Father,
Today we honor those who gave their life for their country on foreign battlefields and here at home. Though they would have preferred peace to war, they responded to the call to serve and made the ultimate sacrifice defending the ideals in which they believed, defending their brothers-and-sisters-in arms, and defending innocents from violence. May their courage be honored and remembered; may their example influence current and future generations; may their legacy be one of love and sacrifice; and may their souls be embraced by You.
We also remember those service members whose invisible wounds led them to take their own lives. Their minds, hearts, and spirits were in turmoil due to the violence they had experienced, and they thought there was no other way to end their pain. We pray that You welcome these men and women into Your loving and merciful heart. We also pray that those enduring these struggles right now realize that suicide is not the answer. May they find the hope they are looking for because there are good people out there who are willing and able to help them.
We pray also for those designated POW/MIA. Their families have no closure. They don’t know if their loved ones are alive or dead. Bring them the answers they seek and, if possible, bring the missing home.
Finally, comfort the families of all the men and women who have been lost to war and terrorism. To them, the deceased are not just military personnel, but rather father, mother, husband, wife, son, daughter, friend. Help these families remember the good times and look forward to being reunited with their loved ones in Your heavenly kingdom some day where there will be no more mourning.
We ask this in Your loving name, Father.