We can’t fully understand what it’s like until we’re parents, but with all the joys and difficulties, it’s wonderful.We live in an age where we are constantly getting information about raising children. Even before we have kids ourselves, we know that we are not alone before the enormous challenges of motherhood — but even so it’s an experience that each mother discovers for herself.
It will be the best, the most difficult, the most interesting, the funniest, and maybe even the craziest thing you’ve ever done. The highs and lows will be extreme, and you may even question your ability to do it many times, but the beauty and wonder of what you’ll live will be something truly amazing.
You’ll become a safe refuge
You’ll be able to calm your children just with your presence. From the moment they are in your womb, you become their refuge, and whenever they hear your voice or smell your scent, they will know that you’re there.
In the midst of every day, when you hear the word “mom,” you’ll mysteriously know what they need, even if they don’t tell you. You’ll never stop appreciating the wonderful reality that your arms are enough to make them feel safe and secure.

You’ll enter into a parallel world
Your life will become like a magical tale with princesses and superheroes. Soon, they will become your best friends. You’ll build up a repertoire of songs, some of which will include the names of your children, and you’ll always have a story on hand for everything: to get into the tub, to get dressed, to put away the toys …
You’ll love to see your husband as a “dad”
There may be daily situations where you feel overwhelmed or annoyed with your husband, but then you’ll leave all that aside when you see him, with immense tenderness, sharing time with the kids. Whether it’s singing a lullaby version of a rock song, playing, or participating in their activities, the contribution of his paternal imprint, which only dads can give and which is so important for the kids, will make you fall in love again.

You’ll learn to be stronger than you thought
Motherhood tests you in every way. You’ll be surprised at all the things you’re capable of doing. In some ways, you’ll feel very vulnerable, but you’ll possibly become stronger than you have ever been in your life. Being a mom will also teach you about yourself and everything you can give.
It will increase your faith
If you want to get centered and recover your faith in humanity, take a walk with a small child. Being a mother, you’re capable of seeing the goodness of the world through the eyes of your children. You’ll find hope and learn that, since you have a lot of limitations, you need to put your trust in God so that your kids will be accompanied and protected no matter where they go, especially if you can’t always be there. It’s a revelation that gives us peace, knowing that we are not undertaking this gigantic task of motherhood alone.
Your perspective on time will no longer be the same
Your concept of time will change completely. The days will sometimes feel unbearably long, but the years will pass by incredibly quickly. Kids can make huge leaps in development in a short period of time. You’ll get older, but you’ll feel younger being with them. And one day, when you realize how much they’ve grown, the number of years accumulated in the candles on the birthday cake will seem incredible to you.

You’ll know that your work will have eternal consequences
You’ll realize that everything a mother does has an impact not only on the lives of her kids, on your own life, but also on the next generations. Our kids and grandkids will change the world for good or evil. The responsibility is immense. Motherhood can be the best way of leaving a lasting legacy.
You’ll empathize with other parents
That judgmental look you gave to the parents of the baby who cried so loudly in the supermarket a few years ago? You had no idea what was going on, and you’d like to go back in time to show solidarity toward them. After having a child, you can understand other parents better, and connect with them to share experiences. You’ll value your friendships with other women who are mothers much more.
You’ll be a witness that human beings are unique
If you have several children, you’ll have the opportunity to get to know each one as a unique and unrepeatable person with his or her own personality, talents, dreams, and interests. It’s fascinating to see how kids grow up together and yet are so different from each other. In each one, we have the opportunity to meet a person whom we should treat as unique in his or her own right.

You’ll be a privileged teacher
Motherhood is educational. You have a key role in the education of a human being. This can seem terrifying if you think about the enormous responsibility it involves, but it’s also something wonderful. Is there anything more important than the life of a human being? You’ll play a role in their emotional, social, and intellectual formation, sharing their homework, tasks, and experiences.
You’ll gain a new appreciation for yourself
Perhaps before you complained about the color of your eyes or hair, but now you see your genes in your children and you discover that these could be your best qualities. When you see them smiling, there is nothing purer. It doesn’t matter how old they are. They can grow up, but as time passes, you’ll find that their smiles still fill you with emotion, just like when they were babies.

You’ll take positive lessons from your parents’ legacy
Raising your children will help you better understand the perspective, context, and situations that your parents lived through during your childhood years. You’ll understand your children’s perspective, remembering how you reacted to your own parents at that age, but you’ll also understand the role that your parents played now that it’s your turn — mistakes and all. No doubt, you’ll learn life lessons from the things they did, both right and wrong, and from your own experiences.
You won’t have a moment to get bored
Your kids will always keep you on your toes, and you’ll get plenty of exercise; you’ll run when you don’t want to, you’ll bend over and lift things up a thousand times. Parenthood is full of surprises, and plans that can change in a matter of minutes. Prepare for the unexpected, even when you think you have everything under control. It’s an adventure. Enjoy the warm rays of the sun and get yourself through the ferocious storms.

Your house and everything in it will completely change
Soon you’ll forget all about the order and design that you liked to keep in your home. Your living room will become a toy room full of colors and sounds. You’ll find how practical it is to have a swing, an inflatable chair, or toys within easy reach. It doesn’t matter how much you try to pick up, clean up, and put order; you’ll have walls with writing on them, furniture with scratches, and crumbs gathering where you least expect it. And let’s not even talk about the car!
You’ll experience a very special love
The love between a mother and her children is so unconditional that it’s unique and unmistakable. It doesn’t matter how bothersome your kids can be sometimes, or how stressed out you get. The love that a mother shares with her children is as unmovable as a rock. Being a mother is difficult, no doubt, but in each challenge, you’ll find that that love can do absolutely everything.
Read more:
Why we need to protect motherhood as if its endangered
Read more:
The true beauty of motherhood captured in 1 minute (Video)