Let this special phase of pregnancy help you to grow spiritually!
This is the second in a series on spiritual lessons a woman can discover in each trimester of her pregnancy. You can find read the first one here.
1Joy as you feel the the baby's first kicks…
What a feeling! The first time it comes, even if it’s not your first pregnancy, it’s an experience of wonder and awe. Your baby has touched you, reminding you he or she is there. What a joy! And joy is a fruit of the spirit to treasure. C.S. Lewis writes of being “surprised by joy,” and says that authentic experiences of joy often take us by surprise. Who can imagine a greater surprise of joy than that first kick? Delight in this miracle.
2Surrender to the will of God when it comes to your child's gender…
This is the trimester that most people can discover their baby’s sex. If you choose to do that, remember it’s all in God’s will. My grandmother, who had six kids, always said, “it doesn’t matter if you have all girls or all boys or only one child … what matters is that you realize that God will always give you the child you’re meant to have.” So whatever you or your family might have secretly been hoping for, girl or a boy, surrender completely and joyfully to the will of God, knowing that God always gives you the child that you’re meant to have.

3Patience if you choose to wait…
If you decide to wait until delivery to find out the gender, you’ll have to cultivate patience! It won’t always be easy when you’re wondering what color to paint the nursery or what gifts to request on the registry, but it sure is a great way to remind yourself and others that you surrender all control to God and that you know good things come to those who wait.
4Gentleness in speech as you go about daily life…
It’s true; the second trimester is the time when baby can start hearing you. Although he or she is too young to understand meaning, they can sense moods and tones. Ask yourself: what are the first words you’d like to expose your baby to? The sounds of love and good words or of negativity and hateful speech? Sow good seeds of kind speech; the ones you want your children to emulate some day. Don’t forget the sounds of laughter and beautiful music!

5Trust in God as you pray for guidance in choosing godparents…
Not long after your baby is born, it will be time to plan the baptism. How wonderful if, through prayer, you discern who the godparents should be… and how lovely to be able to ask them ahead of the birth and ask them to begin praying for the baby in their special role.
6Humility as you get more advice than you want…
As everyone gives you advice, your act of listening humbly and politely is actually strengthening you spiritually. So keep kind and gracious even when you’ve heard for the bazillionth time to “prepare for sleepless nights.”
Read more:
9 Saints to turn to in the months of your pregnancy
Read more:
12 Amazing pregnancy moments to cherish