An open letter from Aleteia’s Deputy Senior Editor. Dear friends of Aleteia,
As recent Gallup polls and Pew Surveys have consistently reported, irreligion among Millenials is on the rise. In various surveys some 30% of adults between the ages of 23-40 are now identifying as “nones.” At the same time, did you know that Aleteia is today the premiere Catholic media outlet that successfully reaches young adults?
Our website attracts 20 million readers a month worldwide. In the English Edition, those under 40 represent 64% of our readers. These figures offer the best answer to those who lament the lack of effective means to transmit the faith to young people. Aleteia is meeting this need. As a contemporary media outlet that proclaims Christian values, Aleteia encourages an encounter with Christ everyday.
But Aleteia will not be able to continue this critical work of evangelization without your gift!
We are happy to provide our positive and uplifting content for free. But you should know that this choice to release our content free of charge has a consequence: I have to count this year on 25,000 people willing to donate 25 dollars to pay our journalists and our authors, cover our technical costs and our distribution. Please consider participating in this adventure with us by becoming one of our benefactors.
Make a donation today by clicking here:
May you have a happy and holy Advent as we prepare for the Nativity of the Lord!

Fr. Patrick Mary Briscoe, O.P.
Deputy Senior Editor, Aleteia