The Holy Father had some beautiful thoughts particularly focused on children and familyEdition of January 17, 2020
A treasure for a child
Baptizing a child is an act of righteousness for him. And why? Because we in Baptism give him a treasure, we in Baptism give him a pledge: the Holy Spirit. The child comes out [of Baptism] with the power of the Spirit within: the Spirit Who will defend him, will help him, throughout his life.
~ Rite of baptism in Sistine Chapel, January 12, 2020

When a child cries in church, it is a beautiful sermon.
~ Rite of baptism in Sistine Chapel, January 12, 2020

If I boast
How many disciples — it’s sad to say it — how many disciples of the Lord boast of being disciples of the Lord. A disciple who boasts of it is not a good disciple.
~ Midday Angelus, January 12, 2020

Be just with Our Lord
Celebrate the date of your baptism in your heart every year. Do it. It is also a duty of justice toward the Lord, who has been so good to us.
~ Midday Angelus, January 12, 2020

Our homes as Upper Rooms
May God also enable us, like Paul, to imbue our homes with the Gospel and to make them cenacles of fraternity, where we can welcome the living Christ, Who “comes to meet us in every man and in every age.”
~ General Audience, January 15, 2020