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Meditate on God’s presence after communion

Philip Kosloski - published on 01/23/20

Do you stop to realize that the God of the universe is inside you at communion?Often the familiarity with attending Mass and receiving holy communion can make us indifferent to what is truly happening.

As Catholics, we believe that Jesus himself is present in the Eucharist in a unique way. His entire body, blood, soul and divinity is there in the consecrated host and when we receive communion, we are receiving the God of the universe into our hearts.

Do we ever stop to meditate on that profound truth?

Mother Mary Loyola in her book, Welcome! Holy Communion, provides a brief meditation on this reality that can help awaken in us an awe at what is happening at Mass. Sometimes we need a little “poke” to see the divine mysteries that occur and to understand who is coming inside us at communion.

How near I am now, nay, how closely united I am now, to the Source of all good. I cross my hands upon my breast and know that, folded there, is all good.

And He is here to share with me, like a true lover, all that He has and is. Within my breast is:

All His Omnipotence to protect me—”Thou shalt know that the Lord thy God is a strong and faithful God” (Deut. vii.).

All His Wisdom to guide me—”Abide thou with Me, tear not” (i Kings xxii.).

All His loving-kindness to help me—” I will not leave thee nor forsake thee” (Jos. i.).

All His charity to warm me—” Our God is a consuming fire” (Heb. xii.).

All His zeal to enkindle mine, for “The charity of Christ presseth us” (2 Cor. v.).

All His treasures to enrich me, for “He that spared not even His own Son…how hath He not also with Him given us all things!” (Rom. viii.).

All His merits to plead for me—”Ever living to make intercession for us” (Heb. vii.).

How near to me is all this in the supremely precious moments after Communion! Not at my door, not within my reach, but absolutely within my breast. Open, then, Thy hand to me, O Lord, and fill Thy needy creature with benediction by filling it with Thyself.

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Prayer after communion when feeling depressed

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Prayer before Communion for spiritual healing

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