Along with these 5 beautiful images, soak in some few-second bits of wisdomHere is our weekly round-up of five striking statements and expressive images from Pope Francis.
Blessings not burdens
In the Bible, longevity is a blessing. It confronts us with our fragility, with our mutual dependence, with our family and community ties, and above all with our divine sonship. Granting old age, God the Father gives us time to deepen our knowledge of Him, our intimacy with Him, to enter ever more into His heart and surrender ourselves to Him.

An illness that can be cured
Old age is not an illness, it is a privilege! Loneliness can be an illness, but with charity, closeness and spiritual comfort we can heal it.

No numbers
The sick person is not a number: he or she is a person who needs humanity.
~ Audience with Gruppo Villa Maria care and research foundation, February 1, 2020.

Can you be in awe?
The ability to marvel at the things that surround us favors the religious experience and makes the encounter with the Lord fruitful.
~ Reflection before the midday Angelus, February 2, 2020.

No hope? No history?
Often forgetfulness of history is accompanied by meager hope for a better tomorrow and resignation in building it. Taking up the memory of the past inspires us to live a common future.
~ On the 150th anniversary of the Roman Capital, February 3, 2020.