Along with these 5 beautiful images, soak in some few-second bits of wisdomHere is our weekly round-up of five striking statements and expressive images from Pope Francis.
Creating poets
We cannot educate without leading a person to beauty, without leading the heart to beauty. Forcing my talk a little, I would say that an education is not successful if you do not know how to create poets. The path of beauty is a challenge that must be addressed.

Getting up again
“Salt” is the disciple who, despite daily failures – because we all have them – gets up again from the dust of his errors, and begins again with courage and patience, every day, to seek dialogue and encounter with others. “Salt” is the disciple who does not seek consensus and praise, but strives to be a humble, constructive presence, faithful to the teachings of Jesus Who came into the world not to be served, but to serve. And there is great need for this attitude!
~ Reflection before the midday Angelus on Sunday, February 9, 2020

Bringing Him
Like Mary, and with her, we are called to make present and almost tangible together, for the humanity of today, Jesus, the Son of God who in her womb became the firstborn among many brothers and sisters (cf. Rom 8: 29) and who lives, Risen, among those who are one in His Name (cf. Mt 18: 20).

Duty doesn't bring love
Can a person love in coldness? Can a person love as an obligation, out of duty? Of course not.
~ General audience, February 12, 2020

Prayer to Our Lady
Mother of life … Show yourself the Mother of all creatures,
in the beauty of the flowers, the rivers,
the great river that courses through it
and all the life pulsing in its forests.
Tenderly care for this explosion of beauty.
~ From Querida Amazonia, released February 12, 2020; dated February 2, 2020