The actor and his wife, Katherine Schwarzenegger, spent Easter Sunday in isolation following Mass together.The actor known for his roles in Parks and Recreation and Guardians of the Galaxy took to Instagram on Easter Sunday to give everybody a little insight as to what he and his wife, Katherine Schwarzenegger, were up to on their first Easter together as a married couple, as reported in Church Pop.

As Catholics around the world tuned in for live-streamed Masses, Pratt and his wife joined in the Easter Mass celebrated at St. Monica Catholic Church, in Santa Monica, California. In his post, the dad of seven-year-old Jack gave a little insight into his Easter day, with quiche, quarantine, and a shout out to Msgr. Lloyd Torgerson, longtime pastor of St. Monica’s, who was celebrating Mass.
The action hero added another post of him in prayer that said, “Let us pray, He is risen.”
Finally Pratt shared a photo of Katherine following Mass on her cellphone, with a little Easter egg close by.

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