Our daily life, whether we realize it or not, is surrounded by the protecting presence of angels!
As the Catechism of the Catholic Church affirms,
Angels are here to help us and above all, guide us to eternal life.

Many saints would send their guardian angels on various errands, such as praying at a church for them when they were physically unable to do so. This works because angels are spiritual beings, and thus not constrained by the laws of physical matter.
This means that when illness or other situations make it impossible for us to go to Mass, we can ask our angels to go.
To attend Mass for them is a great joy, as "Christ is the center of the angelic world. They are his angels" (CCC 331). They love God and will gladly pray for us at Mass anywhere in the world!
The angelic world is mysterious, but we are encouraged to pray to them in faith and trust that they will do what they can to lead us closer to God.
Here is a beautiful prayer, often printed on prayer cards, that dates to the 1920s and sends your guardian angel to Mass when you are unable to attend the Holy Sacrifice.