When the Blessed Virgin Mary was assumed into Heaven to be by her Son, Jesus, she did not lose any of her motherhood.
In Heaven, her motherly affection has only multiplied and she is the mother of us all. This is important, as it reminds us that as our mother, we can turn to her in our times of need.
She looks tenderly upon us and welcomes our anxieties and worries. Being united to her Son, she can take them to him and send down special graces to calm our weary heart.
Here is a prayer adapted from the Raccolta that recalls this truth and looks to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as a refuge during the storms of life.
Heart of Mary, Mother of God, our Mother, Heart most like the Heart of Jesus, ever compassionate towards our miseries -
thaw our icy hearts, and change them to the likeness of the Heart of Jesus.
Be the road leading to Jesus; be the channel whereby we receive all graces needful for our salvation.Be our help in need, our comfort in trouble, our strength in temptation, our refuge in persecution, our aid in dangers; but most in the last struggle of our life, at the moment of our death.
How great is the sweetness of your Mother's Heart, and the power of your might with Jesus' Heart, opening to us in the very fount of mercy itself a safe refuge, that so one day we too may join with you in paradise in praising Jesus' Heart for ever and for ever. Amen.