If you are discerning God’s will and are struggling with the choices before you, try this prayer.All of us at some point in our lives have to struggle with choosing a vocation in life. It could be pursuing marriage, trying out religious life, or dedicating yourself to God in the single state.
Whatever it is, God has a plan for you and he would like to reveal it to you. The key is being open to his plan and ready to accept whatever it is that God desires for your life.
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If you’re discerning, you have to read this. It will change what you think you know
Here is a daily prayer adapted from Fr. Francis Xavier Lasance’s My Prayer Book that can help with conforming our hearts to God’s will and gaining clarity in our discernment.
Loving God, whenever it may become my duty to make a choice, be my light and my counsel, and mercifully make the way known to me wherein I should walk. Preserve me from listening to the suggestions of my own selfish desires, or worldly prudence, giving preference to your inspirations. Let your good Spirit lead me into the right way, and let your providence place me, not where I may naturally feel inclined to go, but where all things may be most conducive to your glory and to the good of my soul. Mary, Mother of Good Counsel, Seat of Wisdom, Help of Christians, pray for me.
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The art of discernment: How to make the right choices
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Here are St. Ignatius’ 8 rules for the discernment of spirits