In this month of the Rosary, these reflections from the Vatican’s Covid commission will bring us to Mary’s comforting arms.In this month of Mary, a new Rosary e-book has been released for times of pandemic and illness. The Crisis & Health Rosary can be downloaded for free as an eBook (links below).
The Rosary reflections were released on the feast of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, patron saint of missionaries. The Rosary mediations lead the faithful to pray for all those who are affected by the coronavirus pandemic and for any other kind of illnesses.
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Called the Crisis & Health Rosary, it was created by the Vatican COVID-19 Commission.
On October 7, on the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, it will become available as an audio-guide Rosary in Click To Pray eRosary, the free app created by the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network and developed by GTI.
The importance of praying the Rosary in times of pandemic
Since the outbreak of the pandemic, Pope Francis has insisted on the need of prayer. On May 30, he urged all of humanity to pray together for divine help and led the recitation of the Rosary from the Lourdes Grotto in the Vatican Gardens. He did so accompanied by a doctor, a nurse, a recovered patient and a person who had lost a family member to COVID-19:
“In the present tragic situation, when the whole world is prey to suffering and anxiety, we fly to you, Mother of God and our Mother, and seek refuge under your protection.”
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The Holy Rosary in Times of Pandemic
This new e-book aims at helping the faithful to reach out to Mary, our Mother, and contemplate each mystery in the light of a world in crisis and of the dramatic scenarios on the horizon.
Readers will find in the Crisis & Health Rosary e-book real testimonies from people affected by the pandemic, in several ways.
The writers, members of Vatican COVID-19 Commission, intended to guide the prayer by linking some of the painful stories from people all over the world with the contemplation of the different mysteries of the Rosary.
When praying, the reader will get acquainted with some personal, moving stories: for example, the story of Juan, who lost his job in the second week of the coronavirus emergency. It was the third time he was left with nothing in less than a year, and he could not manage to accept the situation. He became more and more depressed and his mood was very low. His wife stood firmly by his side and many times repeated that she trusted him and was proud of his struggle. While waiting for him to find something, they both survive on her modest salary. She has not abandoned him and is the anchor which allows him to continue believing in himself.
Reflecting upon this experience, we are asked: Have I at times felt the strength of Christ in my weakness? What has he promised me during the course of my life? Do I remember his promises in moments of darkness?

Fr. August Zampini, Adjunct Secretary of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development and one of the coordinators of the COVID-19 Commission, said: “These are times of suffering, division and uncertainty. But at the same time, this challenging moment is an opportunity to change and to prepare a healthier future. With our gaze fixed on Jesus and contemplating the luminous, sorrowful, joyful, and glorious mysteries of His life, we can embrace the hope of the Kingdom of God that opens us to new horizons. Guided by the Virgin Mary, who knew how to keep things in her suffering heart, let us gather together in prayer while we work for the wellbeing of people, institutions and the planet.“
Access and download the new Rosary e-book
The Crisis & Health Rosary is available for download here:
The e-book is completely free and can be shared, printed, and distributed at will.
Also, for those who prefer to listen to each mystery while praying, the Crisis & Health Rosary will also be available October 7 in Click To Pray eRosary, in iOS and Android.
An audio guide will lead the user through the mysteries and it will help them to contemplate the Gospel while listening to the testimonies of those affected by the pandemic. Background music and special content are also available to aid them in their spiritual concentration.
“The Church’s common action in the face of this pandemic finds its source in prayer, in the service of Christ’s mission,” reflected Fr. Frédéric Fornos SJ, International Director of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network. “This new Rosary can help many people in these moments of crisis because Mary, our Mother, is a powerful ally to look up to with hope at the times to come.”
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