That’s twice as many as just two years ago!Dear Friends of Aleteia,
Thanks to the faithful direction of Divine Providence, Aleteia is now read by some 20 million people around the world each month. That’s twice as many as just two years ago! Aleteia has been able to enjoy such growth and thus respond to the immense spiritual thirst of our age, only because of your financial support.
We are well aware of the part you play in our work: Without the generosity of thousands of donors last year, Aleteia would not have been able to continue its mission in 2020. On behalf of all of Aleteia’s readers (mostly young people), who thanks to Aleteia have been able to (re)discover the transcendent dimension of their lives, thank you again.
In 2021, Aleteia will continue to reach a worldwide audience. Millions of new readers will join us and savor — perhaps for the first time — the taste of the Gospel: benevolence, prayer, compassion, brotherhood, truth, communion, tenderness, fervor, contemplation … in short, all the qualities of true charity.
Aleteia shares uplifting stories and Christian teaching 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in eight languages, at no cost to our readers. But our resolve to offer a free service has a consequence: Your support is absolutely essential in order to pay our editorial staff and cover our technical costs. This is why I would like to ask you to donate by clicking here.
Consider that the price of a subscription to a daily newspaper online is around $120 per year (or $10 per month). Could you consider a donation for this amount, or some percentage of it?
In these last days of Advent, I pray that every blessing may be yours as we prepare to celebrate the great feast of the Incarnation.
Merry Christmas!