These apostolic organizations are finding creative ways to share the Gospel message.Before His Ascension, Christ’s last words to his disciples were “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19). The early Apostles took His words to heart, traveling to the farthest reaches of the world they knew to share the Good News.
If you’ve ever doubted that the Great Commission is alive and well in today’s world, look no further than these inspiring new ministries. Each one is bringing the Gospel to a new generation, and accompanying Christ’s disciples in their journey on this earth.
Domestic Church Project
The Domestic Church Project is dedicated to equipping Catholic parents from all walks of life to be the spiritual leaders their families need, through a wealth of helpful resources.
Life-Giving Wounds
This ministry brings solidarity and healing to adults whose parents are divorced or separated.
Red Bird Ministries
Parents who have lost a child can find understanding and support in this new ministry.
SENT Ventures
Inspired by saints who changed the world, this new apostolate offers mentorship, coaching, and community to Catholic entrepreneurs.

This ingenious nonprofit uses the best “big data” tools and strategies available to help parishes minister more effectively to their communities. Their work has yielded jaw-dropping results already!
Exodus 90
This program of sacrifice and prayer guides men in cutting out the inessentials and making space in their lives for God to speak.
The Hispanic Civil Marriage Initiative
This program invites Catholic couples living in civil marriages to receive the Sacrament of Marriage, so that they can benefit from the graces it brings.

The Tilma Platform is a “holistic ministry system” that helps parishes and dioceses make the best use of technology to connect with their communities.
Souls and Hearts
Souls and Hearts offers “guided, customized programs designed to remove psychological obstacles to giving and receiving love from God and neighbor.” Their programs can help with just about any mental-health issue!
Compass Catholic Ministries
Find practical guidance for your financial affairs through this faith-based nonprofit.
Read more:
Award-winning project seeks to reach the fastest-growing demographic in American Catholicism