Each Marian apparition typically has a primary message that the Blessed Mother reveals to the visionaries. For example, Our Lady of Fatima's message to three shepherd children in 1917 could be boiled down to prayer, penance and reparation.
One of the primary messages of Our Lady Fatima was to pray and, in particular, pray the Rosary. Here are a few communications of the Virgin Mary that were written down.
One of the visionaries, Lucia, wrote down the third secret of Fatima, which reveals a call to "penance."
St. John Paul II later reflected on this message and said in a Message for the 1997 World Day of the Sick, "The insistent invitation of Mary Most Holy to penance is nothing but the manifestation of her maternal concern for the fate of the human family, in need of conversion and forgiveness."

Another part of the message of Our Lady of Fatima is the call for "reparation." This refers to performing acts of prayer and sacrifice to repair bad things that have happened in the world.
The message of Our Lady of Fatima is still relevant today, and calls out to all Christians to pray, perform penance and make reparation for offenses against God.