Christian parents know that a deep familiarity with Sacred Scripture is one of the greatest gifts they can give their children. Growing up with hearts and souls rooted in the Word will be a source of strength all their lives.
The ideal way to give them this gift is to read regularly from the Bible itself. God can speak through Scripture directly into a child’s heart, if there’s an opportunity.
Even very young children can understand more than we may give them credit for, and they will benefit immensely from hearing it. I saw this firsthand when I read aloud the books of Genesis and Matthew to my 4-year-old and 6-year-old over the past year, and was amazed at their comprehension and insights.
But of course, reading aloud from the Bible as a family isn’t always an option. That’s why I love having a number of children’s Bibles in our home for my kids to read independently.
For one thing, the language of Scripture is often too advanced for children to read on their own. For another, some parts of the Bible are more than young kids can handle.
I’ve found that children’s Bibles are a wonderfully accessible way for them to get to know the stories of Scripture on their own. It’s always a joyful surprise when I begin to read from the Bible, and my oldest chimes in with insights that he’s gained from reading the same story in one of his children’s Bibles!
These are 5 of the best Bibles for children that I’ve found. Each one is a great way to introduce kids to the stories of Scripture. As parents, we can hope and pray that these stories become beloved parts of our children’s mental and spiritual landscapes, so that the Bible is a source of grace and prayer throughout their lives. (And for more children's Bible suggestions, check out Catholic Icing!)