1. The miracle that we also see
The Eucharist is a miracle that is repeated hundreds of thousands of times each day around the world. Bread is transformed into Christ's body, and wine into his blood. We are witnesses of this; we look at this miracle.
2. Key words
Take. This is my body. Jesus says: "Take.” He invites us to receive His body in Holy Communion. Sometimes people go to Mass, but have not gone to Confession so that they might receive Communion. This is a great pity, because we really participate fully in the Eucharist when we receive the Body of Christ. Let us seek out Confession that we might receive Jesus at Mass!
This is my blood - Jesus so loved us that he shed his blood for us. Every Eucharist presents us with Jesus' great love for each of us. He loved us to the end.
3. Today
In the seminary, seminarians listen to thousands of hours of lectures, conferences, and homilies. I most remember a homily in which the priest said that he didn't know if he could tell us something because he thought it would scandalise someone, but he felt that he should. And then he said:
Yes, it is possible to receive Communion without really seeking to meet Him, to receive His grace.
Have I met Jesus in Holy Communion?