Many of us suffer from anxiety at some level, and it can often be difficult to overcome.
We are worried about many things and our souls feel overwhelmed.
All we desire is a lasting peace.
One simple way to achieve that peace that endures is to set your priorities straight.
Venerable Fulton Sheen shares in his book Peace of Soul a central key to finding that peace which calms the mind and body.
Sheen then explains how this is to be done by illustrating a "pyramid of values."
Often we feel anxiety when we have many worries, and sometimes worry about the smallest things in life.
However, when we re-order our desires and priorities, we can see the bigger picture and recognize how we are loved by God. We recognize that God is generous to those who love him and will provide every necessity we need, just as he told his apostles.
If we desire peace in our soul, the first thing we should do is evaluate our priorities and see if they are in the proper order.