During the reign of King Solomon, the Bible mentions that the Queen of Sheba visits him.
The Queen of Sheba proceeds to lavish gifts upon Solomon to recognize his great wisdom.
Historians and archeologists disagree about the exact location of "Sheba." Legend says that the queen mentioned is from Ethiopia, and a local tradition reinforces this story.
Another theory is that Sheba was actually in modern-day Yemen.
Whatever the exact location of this queen's kingdom, Jesus himself mentions her in the Gospel narrative.
Jesus points to this queen as a model for Christians and how they should be willing to go at any lengths to listen to the Word of God.
The ancient biblical commentary Catena Aurea, compiled by St. Thomas Aquinas, highlights this deep spiritual truth.
We may not know who exactly this queen was, but her example is a challenge to us all.
Are we willing to go to the end of the earth to hear the Gospel message?