Bishops, priests and laity from around the world have gathered at the International Eucharistic Congress (IEC) in Budapest, Hungary from September 5-12, 2021, sharing their testimonies of Eucharistic faith.
Recently Mary Healy, professor of Sacred Scripture at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, spoke at the IEC about how to live a Eucharistic life.
She explained how the Eucharist invites us to live a particular missionary spirituality, going out into the world and offering our own lives back to God.
Healy emphasized how every Mass should be an opportunity to talk with God and ask him how he is calling us to live in the world.
She offered the following prayer that we can pray after receiving communion.
The experience of receiving communion at Mass should make us "living tabernacles" of God's presence, bringing him into the world through our lives.
You can watch her full testimony below or through this link.