It can be tempting to view our body as only a vehicle for our soul, something that is a "necessary evil." This false belief can be found throughout history and is still prevalent today.
Unfortunately, it can have a negative impact on the way we live our lives and is a philosophy that runs directly counter to the Catholic Church's teachings.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church clearly states that both body and soul have great dignity and are meant to be united.
It is important to note that Catholics believe in the resurrection of the body. This means that after our death, we will eventually be reunited with our body for all eternity.
Death is something unnatural, as it separates what should be united. This is one of the reasons why Jesus' resurrection was called "good news." It meant that no longer would our souls be isolated from our bodies, but that at the end of time they will be reunited for all eternity.
If we think of our body as only a shell, then we can do whatever we want with it! Our health does not matter, nor does it matter if we sin with our body.
However, Catholics believe that our body has great dignity, and that what we do with our bodies also affects our soul.
We are not mere animals, who are not bound by any moral laws. We are children of God, destined for eternal bliss with our Heavenly Father.
May we live as children of a loving Father, treating our body with care, knowing that it will be with us (in a glorified state) for all eternity.