Communities in the northern hemisphere are coming together this month to celebrate the annual harvest. Harvest time is an occasion when we can recall the goodness of God’s creation and give thanks for all the blessings He has sent.
Years ago, I had the chance to attend the annual Harvest Mass in a rural farming community. I'd never before heard prayers for a bountiful harvest in the liturgy, and it was a moving witness to the diverse needs of different communities.
The annual harvest season calls to mind God’s ancient command in Genesis, telling us to cultivate and care for the earth. We can still practice this stewardship today, and this season is a reminder of this God-given work.

This autumn, we can all take part in enjoying the good gifts God has given us, whether or not we are celebrating the harvest of our own crops. These are the delicious fruits and vegetables that are in season this fall. As we cook and eat with them, let’s lift our minds to God in thanksgiving and appreciation for this world he gave us.
If you are harvesting your own crops this year, pray this harvest prayer to give your work special meaning. And yes, growing a tomato plant on your balcony totally counts as a harvest!