The Hail Mary remains a beloved prayer for countless Catholics around the world. It is based on various biblical passages and asks the Virgin Mary for her heavenly intercession.
In the 19th century an alternative Hail Mary prayer, one that focused on Our Lady of Sorrows, became popular.
The Raccolta explains, "His Holiness Pope Pius IX., by a decree...of Dec. 23, 1847 [encouraged the faithful to] say with contrite heart the following prayer in honor of the most holy Virgin in her desolation."
The prayer meditates at the sorrowful heart of Mary and how Jesus' crucifixion caused her much anguish.
Hail Mary, full of sorrows, the Crucified is with thee: tearful art thou amongst women, and tearful is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of the Crucified, grant tears to us crucifiers of thy Son, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.