Saints are those who follow Christ, and one of Christ’s most frequent mandates was to serve others. So it makes sense that quite a few saints served the sick as medical professionals.
For these saints, their medical work was part of their vocation to holiness. Indeed, for most medical professionals, their work is something of a vocation and not just a job. That’s been especially obvious during the pandemic, when medical professionals around the world put their own lives at risk to heal the sick and care for the dying.
This month's feast of the physician St. Luke (October 18) calls to mind these holy men and women (and an angel!) who cared for the health of the body as well as the soul. It's a day to honor the many different health professionals: nurses, physician assistants, doctors, pharmacists, midwives, and so many others.
As we near the beginning of winter, when people get sick more easily, it’s the perfect time to ask for the saints' intercession. We might also ask for their guidance when we’re making decisions about healthcare, caring for sick family members, or trying to improve our health.
Besides St. Luke, here are 10 other saints who healed the sick and served as medical professionals.