The Gospel for this feast of Christ the King is Jn 18: 33b-37
"Trade in the sofa for a pair of walking shoes," Pope Francis encouraged youth during the World Youth Day in Krakow.
We need to recall those important words when we celebrate Youth Day in our dioceses on Christ the King Sunday. Indeed it is not only young people who have an important place in the Kingdom of Jesus.

1. My kingdom is not of this world.
Jesus emphasizes in the Gospel that although His kingdom is not of this world, it is in this world. It is like salt that gives flavor to a dish, and like yeast that leavens the whole dough.
While on earth, we have access to the reality of heaven, for example by receiving the Body of Christ in Holy Communion. However, our Communion is not meant to end with us. At the end of the Holy Mass the priest says: Go in the peace of Christ. By these words, the priest sends Christ to the world where we live with our emotions, problems, and joys. Jesus gives us the strength to change the world for the better.

2. Jesus replied, "Yes, I am a king."
Jesus is an amazing king. He says that he came not to be served, but to serve. He was born in a stable. He preached the Gospel of love for God and love of our neighbor. His throne is the cross as a sign of love to the very end. Jesus gives the key to open the door to His kingdom. He teaches that the more love we have in our lives, the more fulfilled we are.
3. Today
St. Augustine said that if God comes first, then everything is in its rightful place. So, if Jesus is the king in our life, we have the best boss.