St. Joan of Arc was persecuted and ridiculed for the "voices" she heard during her life. Yet, the French saint claimed to have received heavenly aid from these voices and credited her victories in battle to these saints.
One of those saints who frequently helped her in battle was St. Catherine of Alexandria.
At the time, St. Catherine was well-known throughout France and in some places her feast day of November 25 was a holy day of obligation. Her statues were in nearly every church and she was counted as one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers.
According to the transcript of her trial, St. Catherine would frequently appear with St. Margaret and the two would assist Joan on the battlefield.
For example, she credited St. Catherine and St. Margaret for the inspiration of her banner, which she took in battle.
The saints also revealed to her the battles she would win.
St. Catherine also revealed to Joan how she would be injured and captured by the English.
Throughout her trial, St. Catherine would comfort Joan and encourage her to persevere to the end. St. Catherine's presence and heavenly aid was essential to Joan's steadfast resolve, willing to go through anything for the greater glory of God.