Parents expecting a new cherub in the coming weeks might be looking for a name that reflects the joyous season of hope and love. Well, let Aleteia lend a festive helping hand!
Here's a selection of popular slideshows with names for a baby boy or girl that are a nod to both the season and the holy men and women whom we celebrate at this time of year.
Seasonal saints
A great choice of names inspired by some of the saints of the Church's calendar at this time of year.
Love and light
Light plays a key part in Christmas, from the Advent candles to the star that guided the Magi to Bethlehem. These pretty names are a more unusual choice for this time of year, but nonetheless, just as meaningful.

Full of virtue
These names reflect the season in a subtle but beautiful way.
Honoring the Mother of God
What better way to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ than by including His mother in your choice of name? While you may not want it for your son's first name, this selection of names are a great complement.
Capturing Christmas
This selection of names is purely festive, representing Christmas and some truly inspirational holy women.
Honoring Christ's earthly father
Considering the role Joseph has in the life of Jesus, and the year we just had dedicated to him, it's lovely to acknowledge his fatherly care and his love and dedication to the Son of God.