Most modern-day depictions of St. Nicholas paint him as a jolly old man, loving and kind, with a soft spot for children.
However, in some medieval churches, as well as in Byzantine iconography, you will find an image of St. Nicholas slapping Arius at the Council of Nicea.
Many Christians revel with delight at this scene and each year share countless memes that highlight St. Nick's boxing ability.
Where did this tradition come from?
First of all, here is a basic retelling of the story from the 19th-century book, The Reliquary & Illustrated Archaeologist.
The medieval legends primarily report it as a "slap," instead of the usual "punch" that is often reported on social media.
Historians have tried to trace the origins of this story and end-up only finding mention of it starting in the 14th century, nearly 1,000 years after the Council of Nicea.
Was St. Nicholas at the Council of Nicaea?
St. Nicholas died on December 6, 345, making it possible that as a bishop, he was present at the Council of Nicea in 325.
However, his name was never on the roster of bishops who were present.
The Catholic Encyclopedia states this plainly, "There is reason to doubt his presence at Nicaea, since his name is not mentioned in any of the old lists of bishops that attended this council."
A biographer in the early 20th century also affirms this finding in the book, Life of St. Nicholas.
While it may be humorous to continue the legend of St. Nick socking Arius in the jaw, the story should be classified as a legend, and not a factual incident that demonstrates St. Nicholas' holiness.