This year’s Christmas tree in front of the Santuario de San Vicente de Paul Parish is lit in the color pink. The pink stars in different sizes on the tree represent the joy of the abiding presence of Christ, who dispels the darkness of ignorance and sin. It is He who empowers everyone in their quest for lasting peace and justice, as stated in the description under the tree.

The Missio Ad Gentes Tree was inspired by a two-fold celebration: the 500th anniversary of Christianity in the Philippines and the 150th year of the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentian Fathers) presence and mission in the island nation. This marks an ever renewed missionary fervor of the Church and the Vincentian mission to proclaim the Gospel of Christ’s love to all, especially the poor, whom St. Vincent de Paul loves so much.
With great hope and prayer the Vincentian Fathers strive to carry out their ministries as they continue to move forward and face the challenges of the New Evangelization with much dedication and missionary zeal.