Our Lady of the Forsaken is the patroness of Valencia, Spain. She is a special manifestation of Mary as she is revered for her love and protection of the mentally ill, orphans, and other innocent people who need particular safeguarding.
It is said that the statue was in fact created by angels. And the devotion is linked to the first hospital for the mentally ill.
Learn more of her story clicking below:

The image is also linked to the feast of the Holy Innocents. While many depictions of Mary have angels at her feet, this version has two human children.

They are two of the babies killed in the jealous rage of King Herod. At their necks, we can see the wounds that brought their death.
In remembering these first young martyrs, we call on Our Lady to protect all innocent people - children, those suffering from mental illness, the elderly with dementia, those in the so-called vegetative state, and all others.
Our Lady, pray for us!
Note: The pictures above and below show the image made of flowers arranged on a wooden structure some 40 feet high. The creation of this image is part of the annual festivities in Valencia for the feast of St. Joseph.